Bob Weissman, Your Agency Specialist Consultant

Tag: Advertising Agency

Agency Domain Expertise

By on January 29, 2015 in Uncategorized with 0 Comments

Success Through Agency Domain Expertise Too many agencies attempt to be everything – unfortunately, it’s the same as standing for nothing. Successful agencies do what they do best and find resources for the rest. So what is it you are GREAT at? What is your agency’s domain expertise? The most important selling strategy is understanding […]

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What’s Your Agency Brand?

By on January 22, 2015 in Uncategorized with 0 Comments

What’s Your Agency Brand? So many of us are great at telling others what or how to do, but when it comes to your own agency brand – ugh! And then you wonder why you don’t win, get chosen, etc. Of course the best source of new business is referrals. It’s so much better when […]

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Agency Evolution – Staying Current

By on January 15, 2015 in Uncategorized with 0 Comments

Staying Current – Agency Evolution It’s a new year and technology is rapidly changing the way customers interact with brands – who hasn’t heard that? Is your agency keeping up or falling behind? You better be ahead or at minimum current with industry trends or you’ll be left behind. It’s time to be disruptive – […]

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Agency Success – It Should Be Easier!

By on January 8, 2015 in Uncategorized with 0 Comments

Agency Success – It Should Be Easier! What you really enjoy is working with clients – helping them meet their marketing challenges. The administrative burden of running the agency may be wearing you down – there’s got to be a better way. Agency principals have a lot on their plate – typically what keeps them […]

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Sometimes You Win – Sometimes You Learn!

By on December 18, 2014 in Uncategorized with 0 Comments

Sometimes You Win – Sometimes You Learn! Feedback is a gift. Do you know why you win and why you don’t? What you do well and maybe what you don’t? Having this understanding goes a long way to building more success OR prolonging mediocrity. Clients choose agencies based on your positioning (USP), your credibility, your […]

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What’s Next? Where Is Your Agency Heading?

By on December 11, 2014 in Uncategorized with 0 Comments

What’s Next? Where is Your Agency Heading? The reality is that you’re in highly competitive space and it’s not getting any easier. If you don’t make some strategic moves soon, it may be too late. We all know how challenging the business is – whether it’s clients, staff, resources, etc. – whether it’s by delivering […]

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Agency Financial Modeling

By on December 4, 2014 in Uncategorized with 0 Comments

Your Financial Model – It Informs All Decisions By now you better have built your 2015 Financial Model. Everything comes back to the bottom line. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to look out three, six, or twelve months to see what’s possible? That’s what financial modeling can do for you. Financial Modeling (built […]

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Your Unique Business Roadmap

By on November 27, 2014 in Uncategorized with 0 Comments

Your Agency is Different – So Are You! While agencies share many of the same challenges, each is unique in itself with specific issues/concerns. How you address these requires a Strategic Plan for success! It becomes your unique business roadmap. Agencies have different resources/capital – whether they be financial or human. As such, the business […]

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Increasing Agency Profitability

By on November 20, 2014 in Uncategorized with 0 Comments

How I Help Increase Agency Profitability It should be a lot easier. If you’re challenged to build agency profitability and value, you’re not alone. Unfortunately, if you don’t change the playing field soon, you may be working hard with no exit strategy as a possibility. Time is your enemy – your competition isn’t sitting idle. […]

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Hire Slow – Fire Fast: Agency Hiring and Firing Decisions

By on November 13, 2014 in Uncategorized with 0 Comments

Hiring and Firing In Your Agency The largest expenses your agency faces are People and Property. Talent is clearly a differentiator but acquisition is very risky! That makes hiring and firing of critical importance to your agency. Many agencies believe bringing in a rainmaker will change everything. Unfortunately, it rarely works. One person can absolutely […]

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