What Are Your Agency Challenges?
You Face Agency Challenges – Now and In the Future
Every day you face a range of agency challenges that help make you successful and hopefully profitable so you can have the lifestyle you desire. What you know is that it isn’t getting any easier. The key is to develop a PLAN that addresses these challenges. They may include:
- Clients
- Budgets are limited and tightening
- Project/cost based rather than value/retainer based
- Larger projects hard to find
- Aligning expectations – they want more for less
- Business development – lead generation
- Sales cycles are longer
- Competition is intense
- Good sales people are hard to find
- Marketing
- Positioning/Differentiation – USP
- Visibility
- Credibility
- Staff
- Recruitment
- Retention
- Professional development
- Motivation
- Capabilities
- Full service vs. Specialist
- Integrating Traditional with Digital
- Partnering
- Finance
- Cash flow/Collections
- Revenue – uncertain – hard to forecast
- Expenses growing
- Payroll as % of revenue
- Operations
- Project profitability – over budget
- Pricing/scoping
- Time tracking
- Resource Planning
Some of these agency challenges may pertain to you – I may be missing some. Each agency has its specific challenges.
I have helped 50+ agencies face these challenges and built a Strategic Plan for Growth.
Contact me at bob@agencyventures.com , at 610-416-5806, or visit my website/blog www.agencyventures.com
I will show you how to GROW!